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Punjab University College of Pharmacy

Our Heritage - Our Pride

Pharmacy education was started in the province of the Punjab of sub-continent in year 1944 within Pharmacology department of King Edward Medical College (K.E.M.C), Lahore, the oldest and top ranked institution of medical sciences. Initially to fulfill the need of profession, K.E.M.C. offered a three year degree course along with a 2-year diploma tracked by 3-months of practical training in Pharmacy. Later on due to its wider prospects the Department of Pharmacy was undertaken by the Punjab University, Lahore. The University of the Punjab, Lahore established as Punjab University College on 11th Jan 1870 achieved the status of university in 1882. It stands fourth in age among the leading oldest universities of the subcontinent. In the year 1948 an independent Pharmacy Department was established in the University of the Punjab University, Lahore in the present location, what is now known as Allama Iqbal Campus.


Initially at the University of the Punjab, Pharmacy was taught in various institutions in and out of the University. The Physiology and Pharmacology Departments of King Edward Medical College helped the department of Pharmacy to teach subjects of Physiology and Pharmacology, the subjects of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry were taught in Department of Botany, Government College, Lahore and in the Department of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore, respectively. Pharmaceutics however, was taught at the present premises. With the advent of time, Pharmacy education as well as the department kept progressing. Every head of the Department has contribute in its development and we are proud of our present which is the outcome of our glorious past. In 1958 all the subjects were taught in the Department of Pharmacy. With the development of well-equipped research laboratories and additional facilities, the university started master and doctoral degree programmes in pharmacy in 1966 and 1974 respectively. Soon after, the M. Pharm and PhD program was started in the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. The two year M. Pharm program was converted to two year M.Phil program in 1978.


The Department was up-graded to the level of faculty in 1979 and the three year bachelor course was transformed into four year degree program, another major milestone in the history of Pharmacy. Later on in 2003, its status was further uplifted to the level of College and it is now known as Punjab University College of Pharmacy. Thereafter, four year bachelor of pharmacy was changed to five year Doctor of Pharmacy degree. First regular PhD program was announced in 2007 and now since 2009, every year PhD admissions are regularly completed. In year 2014, M.Phil in fifth discipline of pharmacy namely, Pharmacy Practice was initiated. In the same year, M.Phil evening program for four disciplines, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy was started on demand of the working Pharmacists.


The College had done well with many new initiatives to enhance student learning. In this connection we have commenced classroom-upgrading project. One classroom has already been upgraded in 2016 and the remaining will be done level by level. You will enjoy the upgraded Lecture Theater 1. The College's own website has also been launched on October 17, 2016. The development of this site was assigned to PUCP I.T. Staff under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nadeem Irfan Bukhari, Principal, Punjab University College of Pharmacy.


Our Inspirations
The inspiration of the Punjab University College of Pharmacy is to provide the Pharmacy education of high quality through excellent courses as approved by Pharmacy Council of Pakistan, Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Inter University Faculty Board (IUFB] constituted by the Chancellor/Governor of the Punjab. The College’ s faculty comprises of outstanding professionals who are fully committed to guide the students in their acquisition of knowledge and learning. The interaction between teacher and student creates the learning environment which facilitates mastery of professional skills and knowledge. The teaching faculty is friendly and likes interaction with the students for guiding purposes.



Establishing PUCP as a centre of excellence and a role model in the provision of a first-class, Pharmacy education, in accordance with the curriculum of Pharmacy Council of Pakistan. We want a repute for excellence, with an emphasis on quality teaching/research, achievement, service to Nation & humanity, teamwork and leadership.



Our mission is to educate students as trained and skillful Pharmacists who are confident, convicted and considerate enough to be able to contribute towards the improvement and well-being of patient community.



  • To strengthen the students' professional and scientific knowledge to understand their ethical and profession responsibilities.

  • To provide sufficient professional and practical experience, enabling the students to become valuable Pharmacists who can serve the nation effectively.

  • To improve professional, conceptual and human skills required to acquire professional jobs or continue studies and to lead a successful life.

  • To assist our students and graduates to take the next level in their profession and life.

  • To maintain the role of PUCP as the leader in the delivery of high quality Pharmacy education.

  • To train professional Pharmacist in the emerging professional areas through professional diplomas and certificate programs.

  • To strengthen the network between and to bring together the present students and our graduates through alumni.

  • To develop effective lines of communication between the College and the PU-affiliated Pharmacy institutes.

We Teach Pharmacy - A life saving profession

Standards define Pharmacy as science that deals with collection, preparation, and standardization of drugs. A professional who, after earning a qualifying degree (currently Pharm D in Pakistan), prepare and dispense prescribed medications is known as the Pharmacist. In Past Pharmacist just mixed and measured drug products from raw materials according to physicians' prescriptions. Now the Pharmacists besides formulating, storing, and providing correct dosages of commercially available medicines from pharmaceutical companies and counseling patients on the use of both prescription and over-the-counter drugs performs several other roles as well. Hence, a Pharmacist must be a resourceful person having comprehensive information about drugs/medicines and related substances and expert in various fields of Healthcare system.

The significance of Pharmacy profession and role of the pharmacist in community and uplifting the healthcare system have been well established and is acknowledged all over the world. The recognition of the profession in Pakistan is increasing day by day. The Pharmacy Profession is well known as a "Life Saving Profession". The main accentuation of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the developing countries is to provide prompt and best means for caring human health. This noble task cannot be achieved without the proper role of a Pharmacist. Emerging of new diseases, advanced technologies, novel delivery systems, individualized and personalized medicine have created more need for the pharmacist. As career, Pharmacy has been exciting and rewarding.

Pharmacists work in a wide range of settings, the prominent being the Retail & Community Pharmacies, Hospitals (Government and Military/Navy), Clinics, Public health services, Ministry of Health (Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, DRAP), Federal as well as Provincial Government (Drug Inspector and Hospital Pharmacist, Drug testing laboratories, DTLs), Pharmaceutical Industry (Quality Control, Production, Research and Development, etc.), Forensic Pharmacy, Drug Distribution System, Pharmaceutical sales and marketing, drug research and development, Universities and several other settings.


Recognition by Pharmacy Council of Pakistan
The Punjab University College of Pharmacy is the first institute accredited by the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan since its establishment. Pharmacy Council of Pakistan has recognized University College of Pharmacy and after its last visit appreciated the College. The Pharmacy Council of Pakistan in its letter addressed to the Principal & Dean has written the following remarks:-

“As you know, a team of Pharmacy Council of Pakistan, had visited your Department of Pharmacy on August 11, 2014 for the purpose of granting NOC to start and conduct the Pharm-D Program. The report of the said Team was discussed in the recently held meeting of the Council, wherein, it was resolved to renew the recognition of the College for another term of two years. Kindly accept my felicitation on this renewal of recognition, which became possible with the support, co-operation and efforts rendered by you and your colleagues in the College. Hopefully this co-operation will also be forthcoming in future. The Council is confident that under your vision and dynamic leadership, the College of Pharmacy will achieve its goal to become a leading institution”.


ISO Certification
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an independent, non-governmental membership organization and the world's largest developer of voluntary international standards, has certified Punjab University's College of Pharmacy for authentic analysis of drugs, which has become the first Pharmacy institute of any public sector university in Pakistan that achieved this milestone. The ISO, after strictly examining administrative affairs, research activities, equipment of laboratories and expertise, has awarded ISO 9001-2008 certification to the college. After this certification, the reports of analysis of drugs sent for inspection to the college's labs will be considered certified and prepared as per international standards.

Quality Policy of College
The University College of Pharmacy was founded as a place of useful learning in the field of Pharmacy. It is the oldest pharmacy institution in Indo-Pak. The mission of the college ted to improve the quality of pharmacy education in Pakistan through updated courses conducted in an educative and friendly research based innovative environment through Quality Management System.

Our Present - Cause of Elation
We have all infrastructure, excellent facilities and highly qualified faculty necessary to meet our vision, mission and objectives. The College is promoting excellent teaching and research programs but never more so than today. The distinctive teaching and cutting edge research, College is at the forefront of teaching and research. It has the following laboratories, equipped with sate of art instruments for Pharm D practical, computing and postgraduate research.

  • Pharmaceutics and Phamaceutical Microbiology

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Pharmacology & Physiology

  • Pharmacognosy

  • Pharmacy Practice

  • Quality Management

  • Phytochemistry/Medicinal Plant

Historic Academic - Industry linkage
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association (PPMA) and Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore has been singed. The honorable Vice chancellor of the University of the Punjab, Lahore and the Chairman PPMA Signed the MoU on August, 2016. This first ever MoU for any Pharmacy Institute will open a new vista for Pharmaceutical Industry and Academia. Both institutions will collaborate in developing research methodologies & technical collaborations. Industry will be developing industrial Pharmacists from the interested Pharmacy students studying. Training sessions will also be conducted in Pharma Industry to make students experienced and practical.


Our future - Even more brighter
We have planning for diverse aspects and areas for bringing best out of our students in Punjab University College of Pharmacy. From this year and onward, we will be attempting to establish our graduates as brands of PUCP for more preference in market for which we will implement our concept starting from the students of first prof. We will be conducting more seminars, practical training sessions and interactions of students with the renowned Pharmacy professions for training of our students. We will also be emphasizing on training and encouraging our students for entrepreneurship – implementation of a concept of “learn to earn and to create jobs”. The College is planning to start the long- and short-term Diploma and Certificate courses for Pharmacy students and health Professionals. We want to increase our partnerships with the recognized National and International research centers. The College will soon be signing MoU with some renowned foreign university for collaborative research.

The Industrial Pharmacy lab will be further developed and a couple of new research laboratories have been planned. A Museum and Drug Information Center have been planned for the benefits of students and professionals engaged in medical and Pharmacy Professions. A "Medicinal Plant's Herbarium" and "Natural Product Informative Center" (NPIC) of medicinal plants will also be developed in the near future in the Pharmacognosy discipline. The establishment of herbarium and NPIC will provide information about Indigenous Medicinal Flora and other natural products to Herbalists, Physicians, Hakims, Homoeopaths and other related professions.


The following additions will be made to the University College of Pharmacy:

  • Laboratory of Nano-medicine and tissue engineering.

  • Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Research.

  • Centre for Pharmacological and Toxicological studies of Indigenous Medicinal Plants.

  • A Pharmacokinetics/Bioavailability Research Group has been planned to be established.

  • Establishment of model Community Pharmacy.

  • Establishment of model Cosmetics Manufacturing Unit.

The following additions will be made to the University College of Pharmacy:-

Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Research.
Centre for Pharmacological and Toxicological studies of Indigenous Medicinal Plants.
A Pharmacokinetics/Bioavailability Research Group has been planned to be established.

Establishment of model Community Pharmacy.


Preference to University College of Pharmacy - A right choice

The Punjab University College of Pharmacy has the following distinguished features – a reason for being the preferred Pharmacy institute.

The oldest seat of learning - a proud heritage
The College is the oldest, prestigious and globally recognized Pharmacy institute of Pakistan, which provides the best talent to the nation. It is the first accredited institution by the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan under the Pharmacy Act. It is a pride for us that the majority of the major country's public or private Pharmacy institutes are headed by the alumni of the University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore. The students of the College are among the teaching faculty of world's top ranked pharmacy institutes.

Academic excellence
The Punjab University College of Pharmacy has highly, and foreign qualified and well experienced teaching faculty. Currently, the teaching faculty comprises a unique blend of our teachers, we and our students – the three generations in the College. Some members of the faculty are working as the visiting professors and deliver lectures to the Universities abroad which has reflected the potentials of our faculty members. The teaching faculty of the College produces highly competent, skilled and well trained Professionals to provide quality Healthcare services to the community.

Research excellence
The University College of Pharmacy well known for quality research in all the four disciplines of Pharmacy. The college provides a comfortable and strong research environment. Last year, our three outputs from the postgraduate research received the National Innovation Award in an event organized by Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan Scientific Research, Lahore and University of the Punjab, Lahore, affirming an innovative research in the institute. Few patents are also on the credit of our staff members. Every year, our research publications have a remarkable contribution to improve the ranking of University of the Punjab.


Inspiring teaching and research facilities
Modern and innovative methods and tools of teaching and training are used at Punjab University College of Pharmacy to provide better personnel in all the fields of pharmacy. Well equipped laboratories, air conditioned spacious lecture theaters, modern library and internet facilities are available in the College.

Wide range of Campus activities
Punjab University College of Pharmacy periodically holds Sports, Debates, Seminars and Fun Fairs.

National and international collaboration/partnerships
The College of Pharmacy has successfully established a collaboration with National Pharmaceutical Industry and the public/private teaching hospitals for research on the projects related with pharmaceutical formulation and on the social aspects of pharmacy, respectively. This is our pride that our staff is also acting as external supervisors of the research students enrolled in overseas pharmacy institutes and research centres.

Promoting commercially benefiting research
We understand the importance of the productive research beneficial for commerce. The collaboration with our National Pharmaceutical Industry has provided a platform for carrying out research beneficial for commerce. During last years, we are trying to serves the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and in future, beside the basic research we will promote the commercialization of our research excellence.

Career counseling service for the guidance of students
The dedicated teaching faculty provides counseling service for the guidance of students under the umbrella of Job Placement and Career Counseling Cell of the College.


Designed and Maintained by

PUCP I.T. Office