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University of The Punjab |
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|Ph.D.|M.Phil|Pharm-D|Diploma|Merit Lists|Promotion Lists|Policies|Admission Criteria|Fee Structure| |
Admission to Ph.D. Programme Candidates holding first class (CGPA 3.0) M. Phil. Degree are eligible for registration in Ph.D. in any of the four disciplines namely Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy.
Admission to M.Phil Programme Candidates holding B.Pharm. or Pharm.D. degree are eligible for admission in any one of the five disciplines: namely Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacognosy.
Admission to Pharm-D Programme Candidates for admission to Doctor of Pharmacy should have passed F.Sc. (Pre-medical with 60% marks or B.Sc. (After F.Sc. Pre-medical 60% marks] or equivalent examination.
Admission Notice Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) Session 2024-2029
Diploma And Certificate Courses
This year, Punjab University College of Pharmacy is going to start Certificate program in Quality by Design (QbD) for professionals working in Industry and Research & Development. This would be a first ever Certificate program in any Pharmacy institutes in Pakistan. Other Certificate and Diploma courses for Pharmacy students and health Professionals will be started in future.
Admission Notice for Certificate in Quality by Design
Merit Lists
All Merit Lists can be downloaded in PDF format only.
PHARM-D F.SC. BASED (MORNING) General Merit List (Pharm-D) Morning F.Sc. Basis 2024-2029
PHARM-D F.SC. BASED (EVENING) General Merit List (Pharm-D) Evening F.Sc. Basis 2024-2029
PHARM-D B.SC. BASED (MORNING)General Merit List (Pharm-D) Morning B.Sc. Basis 2024-2029
PHARM-D B.SC. BASED (EVENING) General Merit List (Pharm-D) Evening B.Sc. Basis 2024-2029
General Merit List of B.Sc base Reserve Seat Regular Candidates
First Merit List of B.Sc base Reserve Seat Regular Candidates
General Merit List of B.Sc base Reserve Seat Self-Supporting Candidates
First Merit List of B.Sc base Reserve Seat Regular Candidates
M.PHIL / PH.D (2024)
Promotion Lists
(Session 2016-2017)
All Merit Lists can be
downloaded in PDF format only.
Dress code and appearance
When you are in College, the dress code is not an issue of the
personal style. Dress Code is implemented for
keeping conducive learning environment, promoting safety while
working in laboratories and
professionalism. This rule is applied in every educational
institute around the world and students must
comply with the dress code policy of the College. Here is the
summary of our Dress Code Policy.
In general: The tight fitting, low cuts, backless cloths and
attire are not acceptable.
Appearance and hair: The appearance and hair of the students
should be non-detracting you and others
during class.
Tops/Shirts: The shirts can be long or short sleeve that cover
shoulders (not without sleeve). They must be
text or logo free (unless it is PUCP or PU logo). For boys,
they must be tucked in.
Bottoms/trousers: Pants or trousers worn at waistline. The
shorts, tights or leggings are not allowed.
Shoes and Socks: Shoes must be closed toe. For girls, the heels
should not be too high.
During lab sessions and work, Students are required to use white
laboratory coats with their names
Discipline Rules
The Principal is responsible for maintaining discipline in the
college. Students are required to abide by the
rules and maintain discipline in the college. Any student found
guilty of committing an act which is likely to
affect the discipline is liable to punishment with fine or
expulsion or rustication from the college. Students
must not be involved in any of the following activities:
Uttering, doing or propagating anything contravening to the
Islamic Principles within or outside the
premises of the university.
Saying or doing anything which is a verse to the ideology
of Pakistan or the university and its teachers.
Smoking in the college premises and examination hall.
Association with an organization/ society/club or any other
body, promoting caste distinction and
inciting parochial/ linguistic/ regional feelings.
Organize or hold any function within the premises of the
university except in accordance with the
prescribed rules and regulations.
Collect money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance
for or on the behalf of the university or any
other university organization except with the written permission
of the competent authority.
Indulge in immoral activities, use indecent language/ wear
immodest dress, make indecent remarks,
joke or gestures or behave in an improper manner.
Stage, incite or participate in a walkout, strike or any
other form of agitation which creates or is likely to
create law and order problem for the university administration
and affect or is likely to affect its
smooth functioning.
Disturb peace and tranquility of the College.
Keep or carry weapons, narcotics, immoral or subversive
Use insulting or abusive language or resort to violence
against a fellow student or employee of the university
disciplinary action taken by the principal of the College or the
Disciplinary Committee
against the student may be in one or more of the following form,
depending upon the severity of the
A written warning may be issued to the students concerned
and a copy of the same may be
displayed on the Notice Board.
The matter may be reported to the parents/guardians who may
be called in the college if
A student may be fined and the fine imposed shall have to be
deposited with the treasurer and
intimated to the Chairman/Secretary Disciplinary Committee
(Constituted under Statute II of
the University of the Punjab Act as the case maybe).
A student may be turned out of the class by the teacher
concerned and may not be permitted to
attend the same course up to three periods at one time under
intimation to the principal.
A student may be placed on probation for a fix period not
exceeding 3 months. If during the
period of probation he/she fails to improve conduct, he/she may
be rusticated or expelled from
the college.
The College had done well with many new initiatives to
enhance our students' learning. In this
connection we have commenced classroom-upgrading project. One
classroom has already been
upgraded and the reaming will be done level by level. You will
enjoy the upgraded lecture theater 1.
Rustication & Expulsion
Rustication whenever, imposed on a student means the loss of
one academic year, as far as his/her
appearance in the university examination is concerned. The
period of absence from the college will,
however, depends upon the time of the year when penalty is
imposed. The student under rustication
may be, at the discretion of the principal of the college,
allowed to rejoin the class in the beginning of
next academic year.
A student expelled from the college shall not be re-admitted
in the college or to another college or
department without the permission of the Syndicate which is a
competent body to deal such cases.
A council comprising the following staff members will
consider the cases of rustication and expulsion
of the students:
All Muslim students must show in
words and deeds, their full faith in Islam.
All students must have faith in and respect for the ideology
of Pakistan.
All students must respect the convictions of others,
pertaining to the matters of religion.
Every student is expected to:
be loyal to Pakistan.
obey the law of the Land as well as the Rules and
Regulations of the University.
maintain law and order as well as the dignity and prestige
of the Alma Mater.
have respect for morality and personal
honor and rights of others.
practice honesty and integrity in dealing with fellow
students, teachers and all others both on
and off the campus.
help in protecting the life, dignity, honor and the
property of the University/Faculty/College and
that of the employees and fellow students.
respect teachers, all elders and any person in authority
in the University/ Faculty/College.
Be courteous and helpful to all.
Work hard and complete the course of study within the
prescribed period and endeavor to
positively contribute towards creating an atmosphere conducive
to healthy academic pursuits.
General Regulations
A student who completes the required
percentage [75%] of attendance in theory and practical both
and submit exam admission form for the respective professional
class will be allowed to join the next
higher class provisionally. However, if such candidate fails to
qualify at least two subjects in any
Professional 2nd Annual Examination of Doctor of Pharmacy or
declared as 'must appear', his
provisional promotion to the next higher class will stand
automatically cancelled. "Must Appear"
means that a student who fails to qualify 2nd, 3rd, 4th and
Final Prof. examination in four consecutive
attempts, will have to reappear in all the papers of that
examination. Those students who have been
promoted after second annual examination will appear in the next
examination after the completion
of one year academic session and they have to fulfill the
attendance requirement.
Before examination of each Prof. clearance from all
concerned facilities is mandatory. If any student
have severe shortage or declared to be ineligible to appear in
examinations, appear by any reasons
(such as our omissions or their false statements) will be barred
from appearing in examinations. If they
still appear in examinations, their results will be withheld.
The College / University reserves the rights
to cancel the examinations or admission at any stage.
A student who is promoted to next higher class provisionally
on the basis of attendances will be
considered as regularly promoted, if he passes at least two
subjects at least up to the 2nd Annual
Examination of that class. However, such category of students
shall not be allowed any further
promotion to next higher class unless he passes all the lower
A student who qualifies at least two subjects in an
examination, he/she should immediately apply to
the Principal for promotion to the next higher class.
A student will not be allowed to appear in the higher
professional examination unless he/ she gets
through all of the lower Professional Examinations.
A student who fails to qualify 1st Professional Examination
in four consecutive attempts including the
1st Annual Examination of that class will be struck from college
roll. He will not be allowed further to
appear in any of the Pharmacy Examination. However in case of
hardship, the Vice- Chancellor, may
give one special chance on the recommendation of the Board of
Studies in Pharmacy.
A student shall cease to be a regular student as soon as his
classes are terminated towards the end of
the academic year.
A student who remains absent without prior sanction of leave
for a continuous period of 14 days,
(excluding holidays), will automatically stand dropped from the
rolls of the University on the 15th day
of absence, unless the cause of absence is explained to the
satisfaction of the Principal of the College.
In such case the student may be re-admitted within 10 days after
his dropping from the rolls. The term
"University classes" will include lectures, practicals,
tutorials, seminars, group discussion etc., duly
notified by the College to be held during an academic term or
Students whose names are dropped or struck off the rolls of
the University teaching Departments/College due to shortage of lectures or non-payment of dues or
poor performance or non-appearance
in the examination etc., shall not be granted readmission
without permission of the Syndicate.
The Admission Regulations approved by the main Admission
Committee of the University of the
Punjab will also apply to the Pharmacy Admission, in
Self-supporting Evening Programme.
Code of Conduct and Regulations
for Post Graduate Scholars
Same code of conduct, Regulation and
policies given in Pharm. D Section will be applicable to the
postgraduate scholars.
Only those students, who have
attended not less than 75% of lectures and practicals
separately in each course, shall be eligible for admission
to such examination.
A teacher shall report the names
of the students who are absent from the lectures/practicals
continuously for 14 days (consecutive two weeks) to the
Principal of College who will forward the names of the
student/s to the Dean/DPCC to enable him/her to strike off
the names of such student/s. The Dean/DPCC may for valid
reasons readmit such a student/s on the recommendation of
The teacher shall send the final
award list to the Principal of the College who will forward
it to the DPCC, Controller of Examinations and a copy to the
respective Dean.
Note: Rules and Regulations may be
changed without prior information and the college will follow
the current Rules and Regulations.
Freezing of Semester
The freezing of second semester to
onward will be dealt on case to case basis by the DPCC office.
Re-sit Examination
The students who cannot appear in
examination because of genuine excuse / reason shall be allowed
to appear in re-sit examination within one week after the
examination subject to the payment of special examination fee of
Rupees 5000/- for one course. If the number of courses is more
than one then a lump sum of Rs. 10,000/- shall paid as special
examination fee to the department.
Re-admission on Medical/Emergency
A student who discontinues studies
on medical/emergency ground will be allowed to seek readmission
in the same semester next year after paying semester fees.
During the period of discontinuation of studies the hostel,
medical and transport facilities shall be withdrawn which are
normally available to regular students. If they fail to appear
next year, the admission should be considered cancelled.
Cancellation of
M. Phil
The aggrieved scholar may file an appeal against cancellation of M.Phil admission to the Dean of Pharmacy within a period of 15 days. The Dean will give him/her an opportunity to be heard in person and the case will be send with the Comments of Dean through DPCC to the Vice-Chancellor for final approval/decision. The final decision will be notified by the Registrar office.
Ph. D Ph.D. Registration shall be cancelled by the Registrar on the recommendations of the Chairperson/DPC, Doctoral Programme Coordination Committee followed by the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, if the scholar:-
The aggrieved scholar may file an appeal against cancellation of Ph.D. registration to the Advanced Studies and Research Board within a period of 30 days. The Advanced Studies and Research Board will give him an opportunity to be heard in person. However, the decision of the Advanced Studies and Research Board will be final and will not be questioned in any court of law.
Note: Any rule mentioned in the website can be changed by the competent authority without prior information. The PUCP will follow the current rule laid down by the University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Admission Criteria
Doctor of Pharmacy 1st
Professional Class (Morning)
Allocation of Seats
Total Seats
Seats on Open Merit
a). F.Sc. (Pre-medical)
b). B.Sc. (After F.Sc. Pre-medical)
Reserved Seats
The number of seats may be changed
without prior information. The reserved seats are as follow: (Preference will be given to F.Sc students. In case of absence of F.Sc, B.Sc students may be considered).
Doctor of Pharmacy 1st Professional Class (Evening)
Allocation of Seats
The number of seats may be change without prior information. The reserved seats are as follow:
Merit Calculation Formula For F.Sc base candidates
For B.Sc base candidates
*Additional Marks: Hafiz-e-Quran = 20
Admission Procedure
The candidate seeking admission to Doctor of Pharmacy must be physically and mentally fit. The candidate shall attach photocopies of the following documents with the application form and shall produce his/her original certificates at the time of interview/admission. The original documents of the applicant will remain in the possession of the office till he/she completes his/her Doctor of Pharmacy Programme. However, the original documents will be returned to the student in case he/ she tenders written request for the cancellation of his/her admission or otherwise.
Requirements of Admission
The candidate will produce a certificate from a recognized Institution indicating that he/she is Hafiz-e-Qur'an. Moreover; the College Admission Committee will interview and test the candidate in order to substantiate his/her claim. The incomplete applications or those received after due date by post/courier will not be entertained. The list of the candidates admitted on Open Merit and on the waiting list will be displayed on the College Notice Board as per schedule of admission. The selected candidates will deposit University and College dues at Habib Bank Limited, old Campus Branch, Lahore, after obtaining necessary challan forms from the Accountant of the College within the due date. The candidate shall submit a copy of the Bank Receipt to the College on the same day in order to confirm his/her admission and to avoid any complications. The candidates for Reserved Seats should clearly indicate the Category of seat with bold letters in Red Ink in specific place on the Admission Form. The List of the candidates admitted on reserved seats will be displayed on the College Notice Board as per admission schedule.
The candidates holding B.Sc. degree will be considered for admission provided they had passed the Intermediate Examination with Premedical subjects and had studied at least one or more of the subjects at B.Sc. level among Botany, Chemistry, Microbiology and/or Zoology. The merit of F.Sc. and B.Sc. candidates against open and reserved seats [other than foreign students) will be determined by the College Admission Committee. Two or more F.Sc. candidates having equal marks will be considered on their marks in Secondary School Certificates. If the marks in Secondary School Certificate are also equal, the candidate senior in age will be admitted. Similarly the merit of candidates, having equal marks in B.Sc. will be determined like that of F.Sc. candidates. The applicants on open merit must produce domicile of Punjab Province. The applicant with F.Sc. whose age is more than 24 years and one with B.Sc. whose age is more than 26 years, on the last date of submission of application will not admitted. Allocation of seats for admission is liable to be changed from time to time depending upon the National/ International requirements and the directives of the Government/ University authorities. For misleading and falsifying the facts on admission form the collage has rights to prosecute the candidate. Any decision made for such information will be corrected when recognized. All erros and omissions will be corrected when recognized. The losing candidate can not claim any compensation. Admission Requirements for Foreign Students
Applications from foreign students should be submitted through the Ministry of Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad through their respective Governments. Application sent directly to the College of Pharmacy will not be entertained. The student must submit equivalence certificates from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), Islamabad prior to confirmation of their admissions.
Academic Calendar
From this year we are planning to provide/display on notice board the Academic Calendar after the completion of admissions bearing important information such as commencement of classes, send-ups, annual/ supplementary examinations, declaration of results , Seminars, Co- curricular events and holidays.
Applications for migration from other Universities is not accepted at any stage during academic session.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Post Graduate Programmes M.Phil
Admission Process and Procedure for the Post Graduate Programmes
Break up of 40 marks for academic qualifications
Out of 40 marks reserved for academic qualifications, 40 marks for the departmental admission test and 10 for the interview, minimum 50% are the qualifying marks in each of the category for M.Phil However, for PhD passing marks in entry test are 70% as per HEC Policy approved by the Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB). That means a candidate for PhD admission must obtain at least 20 marks in the academic qualifications, 20 marks in M.Phil entrance test, 28 marks for PhD entrance test and 5 marks in the interview separately to be eligible for the admission. Only those candidates who qualify the written test will be called for an interview. The Doctoral Programme Committee shall recommend to the Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy/ Chairperson DPCC for approval of the names of applicants found eligible. The selected candidates shall pay their dues (as given in respective Section) within stipulated time, failing which their admission shall be liable to be cancelled. The DPC will approve the title/synopsis (Guidelines for the preparation of synopsis are given in respective Section). The final approval will be given by ASRB. Note: Qualification from Institutions other than the University of the Punjab will be equalized by the Equivalence Committee of the University of the Punjab
Admission for Foreign Students In line with the policy of the University, we encourage the foreign students around the globe for admission to our postgraduate programs. The admission of foreign students should be processed as under:
Admission for a Faculty member
Entry Test M.Phil Syllabus
The course defined by the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan listed below under different disciplines of Pharmacy, forms the syllabus of the entry test: Pharmaceutics
Pharmaceutical chemistry
Drugs acting on cardiovascular system (CVS), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NsAIDS), Drugs for chemotherapy, Drugs acting on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants. Pharmacogonosy
Pharm.D 2nd and 3rd Prof. Pharmcognosy (I & II) Pharmacy Practice
Fee Structure Registration Fee
Rs. 6200/- if not already Registered
1st Prof students will also deposit Rs. 1000/- as pharmacy council registration fee.