Ph.D (Doctor of
Philosophy) in Pharmacy
A PhD is the highest qualification
obtained after an in-depth training in a particular area through
original research. The research topic is given by supervisor or
selected by the PhD student by the consultation of the
supervisor. It must be novel and able to make a significant
contribution to the existing knowledge of the field. A thesis,
based on the original research is written by the student and is
submitted for final assessment of the student. PhD program is a
blend of course work of two semester and research or 8 semester
and taking 5 year full time to complete. The taught course has
been designed to prepare students for research skills and
methods related to their chosen field of research:
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Industrial
Pharmaceutical dosage forms,
with particular reference to Tablet and semisolids
Novel drug delivery system
Sustained release dosage systems
B. Biopharmaceutics
and Pharmacokinetics
Introduction to Biopharmaceutics
and Pharmacokinetics
One and Multicompartment (Two)
Bioavailability and
Bioequivalence [add chapter below]
Pharmacokinetics of oral
modified release dosage forms
C. Pharmaceutical
Modified release dosage forms
Dosage form design for modified
release dosage forms
Factors for drug development
with reference to preformulation
The Theory and practice of
Industrial Pharmacy by Lachman and Lieberman (5th Edition)
Chapters 9, 13, 16, 19, etc
Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics by Leon Shargel
7th edition, Chapters: 1, 4, 5, 16, 25, etc
Comprehensive Pharmacy Review by Shargel
Webpages/Net for the relevant topics
Objectives of Postgraduate
Following are the major objectives:
To prepare
Scientific/Educational manpower with depth of knowledge and
research competence of international level to fill positions
in Research Organizations, Industry, Management,
Universities, Health Care and Educational Institutions.
To establish centers of research
of high quality (both fundamental and applied) in the
To improve the qualification,
skills, and expertise of teachers/officers and thus provide
competent teachers/officers at all levels of Education in
Universities, Colleges and Schools.
Examination (Course Work)
Approved course contents by the DPC
of each department and by the other relevant bodies will be
There will be two - three
semesters in each year, winter, spring and summer
(optional), of 16-18 weeks each (winter and spring) with a
minimum of 14-16 weeks for the course work, summer semester
will be of 8-10 weeks. The DPCC shall regulate the
commencement of the semesters. The first semester shall
normally start on second Monday of September each year and
terminate by first week of January. The second semester
shall start on the 4th Monday of the January and its
examinations shall be held in 3rd week of May. Summer
semester shall commence in third week of June and end by
fourth week of August. For M.Phil two semesters of course
work and one-two semesters of research / internship (6
credit hours) will be mandatory which normally has to be
completed within two years.
For Ph.D., from the second
Monday of September, the students who have maintained CGPA ≥
3.0 in M.Phil shall undertake additional course work/
Research techniques training equivalent to 18 credit hours.
In case of commencement of research in Summer semester Ph.D.
course work shall start in Spring semester.
There shall be a Comprehensive
Examination within one month after completing the Ph.D.
course work.
The student will write and
submit synopsis for Ph.D. research work within six months of
completing the Ph.D course work.
Course Work Ph.D
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
First Semester
Second Semester
P. CHEM-817 Biological Membranes
P. CHEM-819 Drug Solubility
P. CHEM-821 Drug Properties and Pharmaceutical Calculations
First Semester
PCEU-811 Pharmaceutical Statistics
PCEU-813 Advance Bio Pharmaceutics
PCEU-815 Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology
Second Semester
PCEU-817 Pharmaceutical Care
PCEU-819 Biopharmaceuticals
PCEU-821 Rate Controlled Drug Delivery System
Titles of Course
Medicinal Properties of
Plants; their Antibacterial, Antifungal And Antiviral
Choice in Alternative
Medicines,_ Aroma-therapy. Ayurvedie, Chines Medicines,
Acupuncture, Homoeopathy and Spiritual Healing:
Biologically Active
Compounds from Marine Organisms
Diversity within the Plant Species of Medicinal
Phytochemical bases of
Contract Allergy and Irritancy caused by plants and
Natural Plant Products. Their mechanisms of action and
Antigenic Principles.
Biotechnological Application
in Biosynthetic Research of various Secondary
Metabolites in Plants, through Plant Tissue Culture
First Semester
P. Col-811 Research Methodology
P. Col-813 Battery of Pharmacological Test
P. Col-815 Metabolic Disorders
Second Semester
P.Col-817 Systemic Anti-infective Agents
P.Col-819 Local Anti Infective Agents
P.Col-821 Neoplastic disorders
There shall be two examinations
for each course during each semester. These examinations
shall be termed as mid semester (mid-term) and the final
term. The mid semester examination shall be held during 8th
week of each semester. The final examination is to be held
at the end of the semester. (Marks: Mid term 35%,
Assignments 25%, Final examination 40%). In addition to
these examinations, the teacher shall give Assignments, term
papers, quizzes etc. The result of a course will be
submitted after one week of examination and result will be
notified after two week of completion of examination. The
DPC shall be responsible for supervising the teaching,
examination and their related matters. The DPC may also
review the evaluation of any student/class if it deems
appropriate within one week of submission of result. The
result of semesters as well as comprehensive examinations
shall be communicated to DPCC within two weeks of
announcement of result.
Comprehensive Examination.
Students admitted to Ph.D.,
course shall take comprehensive examination after successful
completion of 18 credit hours course work. The Comprehensive
Examination shall be held within one month after the
completion of the course work.
The comprehensive examination
will cover all course work and will consist of one composite
paper (50 - 70% objective; 30 - 50% subjective). The
examination will test the student's ability to integrate and
assimilate the knowledge obtained from the courses, seminars
and independent studies.
Examiners (3-5 including
Internals) for the comprehensive examination shall be
appointed by the Dean out of a panel of names recommended by
the Doctoral Programme Committee. At least 2 examiners will
be from out side the University.
To pass the comprehensive
examination, a student must get GP/GPA not less than 3.0.
If the student does not pass the
comprehensive examination or doesn't get at least GPA 3.0,
in the first attempt but ≥ 2.80 he/ she may be given one
more chance on the recommendation of his Supervisor and
departmental Doctoral Programme Committee. Similarly, a
student who remains absent during the comprehensive
examination will only be given a second chance to sit in the
examination subject to a condition that his/her
circumstances of not being able to attend the examination
are well justified and accepted by the concerned DPC. On the
recommendations of the concerned DPC, the Dean/DPCC may
allow such a student to reappear. The second Comprehensive
Examination shall be held within one month of the first
For Ph.D. from the second Monday
of the September (or earlier in Summer semester), the
students who have maintained CGPA 3.0 in M.Phil 30 credit
hours (or 24+6 credit hours) shall undertake course work/
Research techniques training (for experimental sciences)
equivalent to 18 credit hours.
Synopsis for PhD
After securing a minimum of CGPA
3.0 in the course work/ comprehensive examination of 18
credit hours, a student shall prepare a synopsis for PhD
research work within the next 6 months. The synopsis should
normally be submitted by 31st August of the same year in
which a student passes the course work/ comprehensive
examination for Ph.D. Guidelines for synopsis write-up are
given in the respective Section. The synopsis has to be
recommended by the DPC for approval from Advanced Studies
and Research Board.
Students will submit copies of
their synopses to the Departmental Doctoral Programme
Committee (DPC) and one copy to the Punjab University
Doctoral Programme Co-ordination Committee (DPCC) for
The Departmental Doctoral
Programme Committee (DPC), after evaluation, shall forward
the synopsis within a period of three months to the DPCC for
approval of the Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB).
In case the DPC fails to forward
the synopsis within three months, the DPCC will directly
forward the synopsis to the Advanced Studies and Research
Board for approval.
Panel of Examiners for Ph.D.
thesis evaluation shall also be routed through DPC/DPCC to
ASRB for approval.
The Departmental Doctoral
Programme Committee (DPC), after evaluation, shall forward
the panel of Examiners within a period of one month to the
DPCC for approval of the Advanced Studies and Research Board
Supervisor will submit a copy of
the Panel of Examiners for Ph.D. thesis evaluation to the
Punjab University Doctoral Programme Co-ordination Committee
In case the DPC fails to forward
the Panel of Examiners within one month, the DPCC will
directly forward the Panel of Examiners to the Advanced
Studies and Research Board for approval.
Guidelines for Preparation of
The applicants should organize
Thesis Synopsis to address the following points:
Title The title should be brief
but informative.
Table of Contents
Introduction Should clearly
manifest why the present work is undertaken. The
introduction may include literature review as per
requirement of the subject.
Literature review Place the
project in academic context by referring to the major work
by others on the topic.
Objectives Define clearly the
aims of the research proposal.
Research Questions or Hypothesis
Research questions or hypothesis related to objectives of
the research.
Significance The significance of
the proposal for the field and the country.
Research Design and Methods
Explain the approach and methods to be followed. Details
pertaining to design of experiments and the data analysis
should also be given.
Plan Give year wise tentative
plan of the work.
List of Literature cited /
References Up to date references. Preferably APA style
should be followed.
PhD Thesis Submission
Candidate has to complete 18
credit hours course work, qualify comprehensive examination
and carry out research for 2-4 years.
A regular student will normally
be required to take workload of eight to fifteen credit
hours in each semester. Eighteen credit hours course work
must be completed within two semesters.
At the end of the first semester
a student must obtain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of
3.00 to be promoted to the second semester. In order to
qualify a course GP 2.70 required.
In case a student is able to
obtain GPA of 2.80 or more but less than 3.00 he / she will
be promoted to the second Semester on probation. The
candidate, who fails to secure 2.80 GPA in the first
Semester, shall stand automatically dropped from the rolls.
At the end of the second
semester, a student must obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 and must also pass all the
courses offered by him / her in order to be promoted to the
third semester for research. If any of the preceding two
conditions is not complied with by a student then he / she
shall be removed from the rolls of the College.
A student, who completes all the
courses and has not been required to repeat any course(s),
obtains CGPA of less than 3.00 but not less than 2.80 at the
end of the 2nd semester, may be allowed to repeat one course
(varying 2-4 credits) in which he / she had obtained the
lowest grades in the next semester, in order to improve the
CGPA so as to obtain the minimum of 3.00 failing which he /
she shall not be awarded degree (or allowed to continue
research work) and removed from the rolls of the College.
A student who had earned 'F'
grade in a course in first semester may be allowed to take
one additional special course in second semester.
The teacher shall send a copy of
the activity record of the courses on prescribed Performa to
the DPC, Chairman / Director / Principal at the end of each
Note: No student will take any
course unless he has cleared the pre-requisite for it as
determined by the
respective College.
The Preferable Layout of Thesis
Title Page
Abstract / Summary
Abbreviations not described in
the text
Table of Contents
List of Tables (where
List of Figures (where
Introduction (including
literature review) or
Review of Literature
As separate chapters as per
requisite of the subject
Research Design / Material /
Findings and Discussion
May comprise of one chapter or a
number of chapters depending upon the Subject matter /
Conclusion/s, Recommendation/s
where applicable
Reference of the Literature
Appendices (where applicable)
Any other information specific
to the respective discipline
Title Page
All theses must contain a title page
giving the title of the thesis, the author's name, the name of
the degree for which it is presented, the department in which
the author has worked or the Faculty of which the work is being
presented, and the month and year of submission.
Length of Thesis
Whilst the regulations do not
contain a clause relating to the maximum length of theses, it is
expected that work presented for the degree of Ph.D should
normally between 40,000 - 120,000 words of text. Candidates
wishing to greatly exceed theses sizes should discuss the matter
with their supervisors/DPC.
Published Work
Published work from the theses be
included as appendix (Reprints/ proof / preprint.)
All final thesis and published work
presented for higher degrees initially in a temporary form
(spiral/tape) binding will be provided after defense of the
thesis form approved by the Advanced Studies and Research Board;
where printed pamphlets or off-prints are submitted in support
of a thesis, they must be bound in with the thesis, or bound in
such a manner as Binderies may advise. Front cover should give
title of the thesis, name of the candidate and the name of the
Departments / Centres / Institutes / Colleges / School through
which submitted, in the same order from top to bottom. The
lettering may be in boldface and properly spaced. Their sizes
should be: title 24 pt. name of the department/ institute/
centre/ college 18 pt. The colour of binding for different
degrees in the Science subjects and in Social Sciences is as
Program of Study
Science Subjects |
Ph.D. |
Dark Maroon OR Dark Gray |
M.Phil |
Dark Green OR Black |
Spine of Thesis
Spine of the thesis should show "Ph.D
thesis" on top across the width of spine, name of the candidate
in the middle along the length of spine, and the year of
submission across the width at the bottom. Lettering on spine
should be in 18 pt. and may be in boldface.
Thesis Examination
Ph D Thesis
The thesis (guidelines for the
thesis format given in the respective Section) submitted by the
candidate for Ph.D. degree must comply with the following
It must form a distinct
contribution to knowledge and afford evidence of
originality, shown either by the discovery of new facts or
by the exercise of independent critical judgment.
It must not include research
work for which degree has been conferred on anybody in this
or any other University.
For candidates in Faculties of
Behavioral and Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (except
Department of French or other modern languages where thesis
be written in French language or respective language),
Economics and Management Sciences, Commerce, Law,
Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences, Sciences,
Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry and Education the thesis
must be written in English and the presentation must be
satisfactory for publication. In Faculties of Islamic
Studies & Oriental Learning, each Department shall decide
about the Language (English/Urdu/any other) in which the
dissertation is to be written. However in case of Urdu / any
other language, an abstract in English shall be included.
A 1-3 (to be decided by the
faculty) publication in HEC approved journals (see HEC
website) is requisite for thesis submission.
Any part of the thesis that has
been published before submission of the thesis must be
appended at the end of the thesis.
The candidate shall submit
through his supervisor five copies (6 copies in case of
co-supervisor or supervisors) of his thesis typed or
printed, along with 5/6 copies of a short abstract of about
1000 words and a CD of the thesis after qualifying Ph.D.
The candidate shall pay the
prescribed fee for the examination at the time of submission
of thesis.
The candidate shall at the time
of thesis submission supply the documents as per university
Thesis Examiners
The DPC (with co-opted members)
will recommend to the Advanced Studies and Research Board to
approve a panel of External Examiners of six experts
(foreign from technically advanced countries – for thesis
evaluation and local – for viva voce exam) for evaluation of
thesis before submission or at the time of submission of
The Vice-Chancellor shall
appoint two External Examiners.
The Controller of Examinations
shall get thesis evaluated within six months after the date
of submission/resubmission of thesis to his office. Any
delay beyond six months be brought to the notice of the
Vice-Chancellor immediately.
No degree shall be awarded
unless all Examiners recommend the award of the degree.
While recommending the award of degree, the examiners shall
also report whether or not the thesis is fit for publication
both from the point of view of content and language.
If both External Examiners find
that the thesis is wholly inadequate the candidate will be
asked for additional research work of maximum of one year.
If one of the External Examiners
approves the thesis and the other rejects, it shall be sent
to a fresh (3rd) examiner, for evaluation. If this new (3rd)
examiner disapproves the thesis, the candidate shall be
declared to have failed. In case of approval of the thesis
by the 3rd examiner, the case shall be processed further for
the thesis defense.
If any of the examiners adjudges
the thesis inadequate and suggests major modification/
revision of the thesis, the candidate will be required to
re-submit a Revised Version of the thesis within one year.
He will be required to pay fresh fee for the examination.
The same examiner who suggests
modification of the thesis, but not recommended the award of
Degree, shall evaluate the Revised Version of the thesis.
If Examiner suggests
modification/ corrections and also recommends the award of
Ph.D degree, the candidate will make changes within three
months. The corrections/ modifications/ changes in the
revised version will be verified by the supervisor and Dean
of the Faculty.
If any of the examiners finds
the thesis adequate but suggests minor modifications/
revision, this may be incorporated and certified by the
thesis supervisor (Internal Examiner) and Dean of the
relevant faculty.
If the thesis is adjudged as
adequate by all the Examiners and accepted by the Advanced
Studies and Research Board, the scholar shall be required to
undergo a Viva-Voce Examination to be conducted by one
External Examiner (local) and Supervisor/s.
One examiner for viva-voce
examination should be appointed from within Pakistan from
the approved panel.
Examiners may have separate
viva-voce examination which will be followed by Public
The Viva Voce Examination shall
be open to the public (public defense) but only the
Examiners appointed for this purpose will do the evaluation.
If the scholar fails to satisfy
the examiners in the viva-voce examination, they may require
the scholar to defend the thesis for the second (and the
final) time within a period of six months.
If the scholar passes the Viva
Voce Examination, the Syndicate on the recommendation of the
Advanced Studies and Research Board will approve the reports
of the examiners for the thesis and oral examination and
award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the relevant
subject to the candidate.
Grading System
Equivalence in numerical grades.
Letter grades and grade points will be as follows:
Percent Marks |
Letter Grade |
Grade Point |
85 & Above |
A |
4.00 |
80-84 |
A- |
3.70 |
75-79 |
B+ |
3.30 |
70-74 |
B |
3.00 |
65-69 |
B- |
2.70 |
61-64 |
C+ |
2.30 |
58-60 |
C |
2.00 |
55-57 |
C- |
1.70 |
50-54 |
D |
1.00 |
Below 50 |
F |
0.00 |
Maximum possible Grade Point
Average is 4.00.
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point
Average for obtaining 2 year M.Phil (course work and
comprehensive) is 2.50. In order to qualify in the
examination of semester a student must obtain at least GPA
2.50 and in individual subject not less than 2.30.
If GPA/ CGPA of a student
remains <2.50 (but >2.30) the student shall be given one
chance (only once) to repeat two subjects (2-6 Credit Hours)
in order to improve CGPA in M.Phil. If GPA /CGPA of a
student remain <2.50 he/ she shall be dropped from studies.
Minimum Cumulative Grade Point
Average for PhD (course work and comprehensive) is 3.00.
(For detail see the respective Sections).
A fraction of mark in a course
is to be counted as '1' mark e.g. 64.1 or 64.9 is to be
shown as 65.
Letter Grade and Grade Point for
a course will be calculated as given above.
For calculating GPA and CGPA
refer to the formulae below.

Criteria for Awarding Postgraduate

M.Phil (Master of
Philosophy) in Pharmacy
The M.Phil degree is qualifications,
on its own for one's career or a preparation for further
education as PhD. Master of Philosophy in Pharmacy is a two year
full time program for specialization in one of four fields of
Pharmacy, such as:
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
This is a mixed mode degree
comprising one year course work, one year of supervised research
followed by submission of research thesis.
Objectives of Postgraduate
Following are the major objectives:
To prepare
Scientific/Educational manpower with depth of knowledge and
research competence of international level to fill positions
in Research Organizations, Industry, Management,
Universities, Health Care and Educational Institutions.
To establish centers of research
of high quality (both fundamental and applied) in the
To improve the qualification,
skills, and expertise of teachers/officers and thus provide
competent teachers/officers at all levels of Education in
Universities, Colleges and Schools.
Course Work
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
First Semester
Second Semester
PCHEM-721 Combinational Chemistry
PCHEM-722 Chromatographic Analysis
PCHEM-723 Polymers
PCHEM-724 Pharmaceutical Lab
PCHEM-725 Research Methodology
PCHEM-726 Seminar
PCHEM-727 Term Paper
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
First Semester
PCOL-711 Bio Statistics
PCOL-712 Advanced Concepts of General Pharmacology
PCOL-713 Pharmacology Lab
PCOL-714 Systems Pharmacology
PCOL-715 Biochemical Pharmacology
PCOL-716 Seminar
PCOL-717 Term Paper
Second Semester
PCOL-721 Chemotherapy
PCOL-722 Pharmacology Lab
PCOL-723 Neuropharmacology
PCOL-724 Toxicology Pharmacology for Critical Care Patients
PCOL-725 Research Methodology and Research
PCOL-726 Seminar
PCOL-727 Term Paper
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
First Semester
PCOG-711 Bio Statistics (Theory)
PCOG-712 Advances in Pharmacognosy (Theory)
PCOG-713 Pharmacognosy Lab
PCOG-714 Biosynthesis of Natural Products (Theory)
PCOG-715 Plant Toxicology (Theory)
PCOG-716 Seminar
PCOG-717 Term Paper
Second Semester
PCOG-721 Phytochemicals of Natural Origin (Theory)
PCOG-722 Phytochemical Analysis (Lab)
PCOG-723 Cell Biotechnology (Theory)
PCOG-724 Alternative Medicines and Herbal Drugs
PCOG-725 Research Methodology and Seminars
PCOG-726 Seminar
PCOG-727 Term Paper
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Pharmacy Practice
First Semester
PPRAC-711 Bio Statistics
PPRAC-712 Community Pharmacy and Public Health
PPRAC-713 Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics - I
PPRAC-714 Clinical Pharmacokinetics
PPRAC-715 Clerkship / Seminar / Workshop
Second Semester
PPRAC-721 Research Methodology and Study Design
PPRAC-722 Advance Pharmacy Practice
PPRAC-723 Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics - II
PPRAC-724 Elective Courses
(Oncology / Diabetes / Psychiatric Disorder / Cardiovascular
diseases / Infectious diseases)
PPRAC-725 Clerkship / Seminar / Workshop
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
First Semester
PCEU-711 Bio Statistics
PCEU-712 Advances Pharmaceutics
PCEU-713 Pharmaceutics Lab
PCEU-714 Biopharmaceutics
PCEU-715 Pharmaceutical Microbiology
PCEU-716 Seminar
PCEU-717 Term Paper
Second Semester
PCEU-721 Pharmaceutical Technology
PCEU-722 Pharm. Tech. Lab
PCEU-723 Clinical Pharmacy
PCEU-724 Pharmaceutical Marketing
PCEU-725 Research Methodology
PCEU-726 Seminar
PCEU-727 Term Paper
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Duration of Studies
M.Phil course will be for four
semesters. In first two semesters, 24 credit hours course
work and in 3rd and 4th semesters 6 credit hour research
work will be carried out.
The research work submitted for
M.Phil. will not be part of PhD thesis.
Maximum permissible period for
the completion of Ph.D. will be 5 years. The period shall be
counted from the date of commencement of classes of Ph.D.
The minimum period of completion
of Ph.D. programme shall be 3 years (one year 18 credit
hours course work for Ph.D., comprehensive examination,
synopsis; two years research). After 5 years, the scholar
shall cease to be the student of the University and shall
not generally be eligible for readmission.
The PhD candidate has to take
course work of 18 credit hours.
Candidates from Scientific
Research Organizations, after successful completion of
course work, may carry out their experimental work in
laboratories of their parent departments on the
recommendations of the supervisor, approved by the DPC, at
the time of approval of the synopsis.
A Ph.D. student shall be
required to pass a comprehensive examination (written)
within one month after completing course work, and before
undertaking the synopsis/research work.
A Ph.D. student shall be
required to submit synopsis within six month of completing
course work and before commencing the research work.
A Ph.D. student will give a
seminar relevant to his/her field of research at his/her
convenience within a year of submission of synopsis to the
department for the approval of various statutory bodies such
as DPCC/Advanced Studies & Research Board.
Examination (Course Work)
Approved course contents by the
DPC of each department and by the other relevant bodies will
be taught.
There will be two - three
semesters in each year, winter, spring and summer
(optional), of 16-18 weeks each (winter and spring) with a
minimum of 14-16 weeks for the course work, summer semester
will be of 8-10 weeks. The DPCC shall regulate the
commencement of the semesters. The first semester shall
normally start on second Monday of September each year and
terminate by first week of January. The second semester
shall start on the 4th Monday of the January and its
examinations shall be held in 3rd week of May. Summer
semester shall commence in third week of June and end by
fourth week of August. For M.Phil two semesters of course
work and one-two semesters of research / internship (6
credit hours) will be mandatory which normally has to be
completed within two years.
For Ph.D., from the second
Monday of September, the students who have maintained CGPA ≥
3.0 in M.Phil shall undertake additional course work/
Research techniques training equivalent to 18 credit hours.
In case of commencement of research in Summer semester Ph.D.
course work shall start in Spring semester.
There shall be a Comprehensive
Examination within one month after completing the Ph.D.
course work.
The student will write and
submit synopsis for Ph.D. research work within six months of
completing the Ph.D. course work.
M.Phil Thesis Submission
A regular student will normally
be required to take workload (for course work) of six to
twelve credit hours in each semester.
At the end of the first semester
a student must obtain a minimum Grade Point average (GPA) of
2.50 to be promoted to the second semester. In order to
qualify a course GP 2.30 required.
In case a student is able to
obtain GPA of 2.30 or more but less than 2.50 he / she will
be promoted to the second Semester on probation. The
candidate, who fails to secure 2.30 GPA in the first
Semester shall stand automatically dropped from the rolls.
At the end of the second
semester, a student must obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50 and must also pass at least 50%
of the courses offered by him / her in order to be promoted
to the third semester. If any of the preceding two
conditions is not complied with by a student then he / she
shall be removed from the rolls of the College.
In the 3rd or 3rd and 4th
semesters a student will carry out research work under the
supervision of his / her supervisor and submit research
thesis end of 3rd or 4th semester.
In the third semester a student
will also be required to repeat those courses of the first
semester in which he/she had failed and maintains CGPA of
2.50 failing which his / her name will be removed from the
In the fourth semester, a
student will be required to repeat those courses of the
second semester in which he / she had failed and maintains
CGPA of 2.50 failing which his / her name will be removed
from the College.
A student, who completes all the
courses and has not been required to repeat any course(s),
obtains CGPA of less than 2.50 but not less than 2.30 at the
end of the 4th semester, may be allowed to repeat up to two
courses (varying 2-6 credits) in which he / she had obtained
the lowest grades, in order to improve the CGPA so as to
obtain the minimum of 2.50 failing which he / she shall not
be awarded degree and removed from the rolls of the College.
A student who had earned 'F'
grade in a course in 1st semester may be allowed to take one
additional course during the 2nd/3rd semester with the
permission of the DPC of the College.
A student who had earned 'F'
grade in a course in 2nd semester may be allowed to take one
additional course during the 3rd/4th semester with the
permission of the DPC of the College.
The teacher shall send a copy of
the activity record of the courses on prescribed Performa to
the DPC, Chairman/Principal at the end of each semester.
After two semesters (24 credit
hours) of course work, research work of six credit hours
will be carried out in third and fourth semesters. Title of
the thesis will be recommended by DPC routed through DPCC
for the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. Thesis shall be
submitted within six weeks after the termination of fourth
semester (as the case may be). In case of genuine reason on
the recommendation of the supervisor, DPC, DPCC Vice
Chancellor can give extension up to six months for the
submission of thesis/ report/ project. Evaluation of thesis
will be by External Examiner. Board of Examiners for the
examination of thesis shall be appointed by the Vice
Chancellor out of the panel recommended by DPC concerned
routed through DPCC. Evaluation normally be completed within
six weeks of submission of the theses.
Only those students who scored
CGPA ≥ 2.5 will be awarded M.Phil. Degree.
Thesis Examination
M.Phil Research / Thesis
The research thesis shall be
submitted within the specified period of registration or up to a
maximum of six weeks after the final examination at the end of
4th Semester. The Vice-Chancellor on the recommendations of the
respective DPC, to avoid any hardship in genuine cases, shall
have the power to extend the date of submission of thesis for a
total period not exceeding six months.
A Board of Examiners for the
evaluation of thesis shall be appointed by the
Vice-Chancellor out of the panel of three experts
recommended by the DPC / Board of Studies concerned.
The Board of Examiners shall
The candidate shall have to
appear before the Board of Examiners for the assessment of
his/ her thesis and comprehensive examination. The Board of
Examiners shall either accept or defer for resubmission or
reject the thesis.
No degree shall be awarded
unless the Board of Examiners recommend the award.
If the Board of Examiners find
that the thesis is wholly inadequate, the thesis shall be
If the thesis, though
inadequate, is of sufficient merit, in the opinion of at
least two examiners including the external examiner, the
Board of Examiners may recommend to re-submit it in a
revised form within a period of six months.
The Chairman/Director/Principal
shall forward to DPCC and the Controller of Examinations the
names and particulars of successful candidates for award of
the Degree of M.Phil.
On receipt of the names of
successful candidates from the Chairman/ Director/
Principal/ School, the Controller of Examinations shall
issue a result notification.
Criteria for Awarding Postgraduate

Pharm-D (Doctor of
Candidates for admission to Doctor of Pharmacy
should have passed F.Sc. (Pre-medical with 60% marks or B.Sc.
(After F.Sc. Pre-medical 60% marks] or equivalent examination.
Curriculum Outlines
Doctor of Pharmacy is a Five Years degree programme based on
annual system duly approved by the Academic Council, Higher
Education Commission and Pharmacy Council of Pakistan. The
detail of new syllabus and marks is given below (Subject to the
approval from University’s concerned bodies:
First Professional
Paper 1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) 100
Paper 2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (Biochemistry) 100
Paper 3 Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) 100
Paper 4 Physiology 100
Paper 5 Anatomy & Histology 50
Paper 6 English 100
Paper 7 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) 100
Paper 8 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (Biochemistry) 100
Paper 9 Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) 100
Paper 10 Physiology 100
Paper 11 Anatomy & Histology 50
Total Marks: 1000
Second Professional
Paper 1 Pharmaceutics-II (Dosage Forms Science) 100
Paper 2 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-I 100
Paper 3 Pharmacognosy-I (Basic) 100
Paper 4 Pharmaceutics-III (Pharmaceutical Microbiology &
Immunology) 100
Paper 5 Pakistan Studies and Islamic Studies/Ethics (Compulsory)
Paper 6 Pharmacy Practice-I (Pharmaceutical Mathematics and
Biostatistics) 100
Paper 7 Pharmaceutics-II (Dosage Forms Science) 100
Paper 8 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-I 100
Paper 9 Pharmacognosy-I (Basic) 100
Paper 10 Pharmaceutics-III (Pharmaceutical Microbiology &
Immunology) 100
Total Marks: 1000
Third Professional
Paper 1 Pathology 50
Paper 2 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-II 100
Paper 3 Pharmacognosy-II (Advanced) 100
Paper 4 Pharmacy Practice-II (Dispensing, Community, Social &
Administrative Pharmacy) 100
Paper 5 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
Paper 6 Pharmacy Practice -III (Computer and its Applications in
Pharmacy) 50
Paper 7 Pathology 50
Paper 8 Pharmacology and Therapeutics-II 100
Paper 9 Pharmacognosy-II (Advanced) 100
Paper 10 Pharmacy Practice-II (Dispensing, Community and Social
& Administrative Pharmacy)100
Paper 11 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
Paper 12 Pharmacy Practice -III (Computer and its Applications
in Pharmacy) 50
Total Marks: 1000
Fourth Professional
Paper 1 Pharmacy Practice-IV (Hospital Pharmacy) 100
Paper 2 Pharmacy Practice -V (Clinical Pharmacy-I) 100
Paper 3 Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Pharmacy) 100
Paper 4 Pharmaceutics-V (Biopharamceutics and Pharmacokinetics)
Paper 5 Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Management) 100
Paper 6 Pharmacy Practice -V (Clinical Pharmacy-I) 100
Paper 7 Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Pharmacy) 100
Paper 8 Pharmaceutics-V (Biopharamceutics and Pharmacokinetics)
Paper 9 Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Management) 100
Total Marks: 900
Fifth Professional
Paper 1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IV (Medicinal Chemistry)
Paper 2 Pharmacy Practice -VI (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy-II)
Paper 3 Pharmaceutics-VII (Pharmaceutical Technology) 100
Paper 4 Pharmacy Practice -VII (Forensic Pharmacy) 100
Paper 5 Pharmacy Practice-VIII (Pharmaceutical Management and
Marketing) 100
Paper 6 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-IV (Medicinal Chemistry)
Paper 7 Pharmacy Practice -VI (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy-II)
Paper 8 Pharmaceutics-VII (Pharmaceutical Technology) 100
Total Marks: 800
Grand Total Marks: 4700
Note: Pass percentage in both theory and
Practical examinations of Pharm. D. is 50%. The Theory and
Practical Examination in each subject will be treated separately.
Diploma And
Certificate Courses
This year, Punjab University College
of Pharmacy is going to start Certificate program in Quality by
Design (QbD) for professionals working in Industry and Research
& Development. This would be a first ever Certificate program in
any Pharmacy institutes in Pakistan. Other Certificate and
Diploma courses for Pharmacy students and health Professionals
will be started in future.
Provision of qualified and trained
personals preferably involved in formulation design,
manufacturing and research is need of the hour as industry has
to produce quality products with least defect. Training of the
qualified. and professional personals the light of the most
recent and advance knowledge will boost the working, capacity,
and optimize the products and processes of industry and also
foster the optimized outputs. The Pharmaceutical. Industry
requires professionals with such training since it produces the
products, which are related with health. Besides the qualified
products, the processes behind the products are also needed to
be optimized. This certificate has been specifically designed to
meet such needs and of the pharmaceutical and allied industries.
With the start of this program, the Punjab University College of
Pharmacy intends to lead all Pharmacy Institutes in the start
certificate program.The College has the expertise and resources
to conduct the certificate in Quality by Design (QbD).
· The certificate in Quality
by Design (QbD) aims to provide each student an opportunity to
consolidate their knowledge of QbD applied to pharmaceutical,
health and other sciences by carrying out development or
research projects in an area directly related to them using the
appropriate software of Design Experiment.
· To explore a variety of
legislation and regulations relating to the quality of
Pharmaceutical and other products and processes.
· To introduce a variety of
techniques and methods to formulate and produce optimized
· To describe online process
monitoring of manufacturing and the use of Process Analytical
Technology (PAT) to advance pharmaceutical and industrial
process identification, simulation and control.
· To introduce the concept
of 6-sigma.
· To focus on research and
experiment design methods applying QbD principles.
· To describe the concept
and importance of design space.
Three months
R.s. 22000/- (for three months)
Full time, Evening, per week 3
lectures where the issues will be primarily illustrated through
examples from industrial cases. Since the concept is
understandable using and appropriate software for Design of
Experiment, the students will also have basic training of the
Pharmacists, professionals working
industries, Institutes of Research and Development, and
Researchers in health sciences.
· Concept of computer aided
formulation and process development
· Concepts of Quality by
Design, Process analytical technique and. six sigma.
· Introduction of basic
statistics relevant to Quality by Design
· Factor analysis using
screening designs
· Optimization using response
surface methodology
· Product design:
pre-formulation and formulation
· Process design and
· Experimental design and
research methods
· Process Analytical Technique
· Advances in drug delivery
· Introduction of the computer
tool used in quality by design and process analytical
1. Reklaitis, G.V. (2016).
Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product
Development and Manufacture. Wiley-A1CliF, New Jersey USA.
2. Jameel, F., Hershenson, S., Khan
M.A., and Sheryl Martin Moe. (2015). Quality by Design for
Biopharmaceutical Drug Product Development. Springer-Verlag
GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
3. Mark J. Anderson, and Patrick J.
Whitcomb (2015). .DOE Simplified: Practical Tools for Effective
Experimentation, 3rd Edition. Productivity Press, New York, USA.
4. Anurang, S. Rathore, and Rohin
Mhatre. (2009). Quality by Design for Biopharmaceuticals,
Principles and Case Study. .Wiley-A.I.ChE, New Jersey USA.
5. Eugene C. Nelson, Paul B.
Batalden, and Marjorie M. Godfray, (2007). Quality by Design, A
Clinical Microsystem Approach. Wiley-AIChE, New Jersey USA.
6. Lewis, G.A., Mathielf, R. and
Phan-Tan-Luu. (1999). Pharmaceutical Experimental. Design,
Marcel Dekker, New York, USA.
7. Lynn D. Torbeck (2007).
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Validation by experimental
Design. Informa Healthcare, New York, USA.